
JUL 2014

DAYSPA is the magazine of spa management. Spa owners and spa managers turn to DAYSPA for spa management trends, spa management tips and more.

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Page 92 of 107 • Use FreeInfo #39 Remember that song "Don't worry be happy now"? I'm sure we all thought it was just a fun peppy song, but I believe that the song writer was really on to something. My husband and I fi rst heard about the law of attraction and being happy in 2007. One of the fi rst things we learned was that you must be happy now to bring happiness into your life. It's a simple formula. Happiness attracts happiness. Yet people use so many excuses as to why they can't be happy. They use excuses of debt, excuses of health, excuses of relationships, and excuses of all sorts of things as to why they can't use this simple formula. I'll admit that I used to think that when my weight, my nails, my skin and my hair all looked good at the same time, I would be happy. I can't recall one time in my life when all four of those things were perfect at the same time! No matter what the excuse, unless you begin to feel happy despite your excuse, you cannot attract happiness. The law of attraction is saying to you, "Be happy now, and as long as you keep doing that, I will give you more to be happy about. In September of 2010 my husband and I made an agreement with each other that we were going to concentrate on being happy no matter what was going on around us. I am defi nitely not saying that it comes easy. I think we're all hardwired to focus on the negative. It takes practice to steer your thoughts and words toward the positive. But little by little as our life started to change, it did become easier to stay happy. We celebrated every positive thing that happened to us, no matter how small. We gave thanks for everything. Thank you for the parking space. Thank you for enough money in my account to pay this bill. Thank you for this new client that called today. Thank you for hitting all the green lights on the way to work. You get my point! Staying happy and positive is the most important thing you can do for yourself and for your business. When you're feeling down or worried, don't tell a client. Don't let it show on your face. Don't get on the phone with a friend and blah, blah, blah about it. Don't even spend time telling yourself how bad it is!! Do whatever you have to do to feel better in that moment, to get your mind off of worrying. I have a super cute picture of my dog on the screen saver of my computer. Whenever I feel tension or worry, I go look at that picture. It makes me giggle every single time I look at it, so right then I'm steering my thoughts toward the positive. Trust me, the more you do that, the less "worry moments" you will have. Things will begin to change! U L T R A S O N I C S P A T U L A I M A G E D E R M M I C R O D E R M I N F U S I O N S h e l l e y H d s 7 p 9 3 . i n d d 9 3 ShelleyHds7p93.indd 93 6 / 9 / 1 4 3 : 4 9 P M 6/9/14 3:49 PM

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