
JUN 2017

DAYSPA is the business resource for spa & wellness professionals! Each issue covers the latest in skin care, spa treatments, wellness services and management strategies.

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LYCON COSMETICS USA © P (855) 890 2984 • E • W S T R I P O F F W I T H LYCON Strip Wax²6XSHULRUJOLGHH[WUDVWURQJZLWKDQRQVWLFN\ÀQLVK7KDWLVZKDW LYCON Strip Waxes are renowned for across the globe. Containing a calming blend of aromatherapy oils to soothe the skin, while the special blend of natural resins grip to and remove hair as short as 2mm. Applied super thinly, LYCON 6WULS :D[HV DUH HIÀFLHQW DQG HIIHFWLYH DW UHPRYLQJ HYHQ WKH WRXJKHVW KDLUV /<&21«WKHWUXVWHGQDPHDPRQJSURIHVVLRQDOVLQPDQ\ÁDYRXUV 20oz plastic jars, heat in microwave or directly in heater. 14oz tins, heat directly in heater. WLFN\ ÀQ WKDQRQVWLFN ZLW g g lobe. Con ta the globe ss th while the special whi n, w n w d su p 2mm. Applied su 2 m J HYHQ WK WK UHPRYLQJ H Y L WK K Australia's #1 Wax Worldwide!

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