
OCT 2017

DAYSPA is the business resource for spa & wellness professionals! Each issue covers the latest in skin care, spa treatments, wellness services and management strategies.

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Page 73 of 92 • october 2017 • [ 71 ] © GETTY IMAGES 3 SEEK TRUSTED REFERRALS If you already have diverse employees on staff , ask them to recommend former classmates, colleagues or others from within their networks. People tend to study and socialize with those from similar backgrounds, meaning an employee of a certain ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation is likely to refer someone else from that group. "When we're hiring, I look to my current staff . I think, 'Who do I want to replicate?' Then I ask those employees where they worked previously and if they know who might be interested in joining our team," says Schoenberg. Data also shows that applicants who are referred by someone they know tend to be better-quality candidates who stay at a company longer. 6 CELEBRATE DIVERSITY Nemacolin Woodlands Resort fi lls many temporary spots with foreign workers who use the H2B visa program. The company organizes events to honor these employees' diverse backgrounds to make them feel welcome and part of the team, says Hatcher. A map adorns the wall and has a pin in every country that the spa's employees call home. Staff recently served an authentic Mexican meal in the cafeteria, and another group is planning a Jamaican Day. These celebratory events are wo rking well: "We've seen a lot of the same associates participate every year," enthuses Hatcher. u 4 UNDERSTAND AND OVERCOME IMPLICIT BIAS Stefanie K. Johnson, PhD, assistant professor of management at the University of Colorado Boulder Leeds School of Business, defi nes implicit bias as an association between a certain group and competence. "If you think of a CEO, you probably picture a white male," she says. "That's no surprise because 91 percent of CEOs are white men." Knowing that, people begin to make an unconscious association between white men and leadership skills. Not only do they come to believe white men make better leaders, they punish anyone who doesn't fi t that stereotype by holding them to a higher standard. "The net result is that you hire the most 'typical' person," Johnson explains. People also tend to hire others like themselves; women, for example, are intrinsically more likely to hire other women. To ensure implicit bias plays less of a role in the hiring process, make a point of interviewing at least two people with backgrounds that are not typical at your spa. "Speaking with two diverse candidates increases the likelihood you'll hire a diverse candidate, because if you have one person it will reinforce that bias, but if you consider two it goes away," says Johnson. Accountability is also key: Set goals for diversity in hiring, then track how many diverse candidates apply, are interviewed and are ultimately hired. 5 MAINTAIN COMMUNICATION English is a second language for many of Sampson's employees. While they may be able to communicate with clients just fi ne, their comprehension skills might not be strong enough to grasp all of the elements of their employment agreement. "We sometimes hire an interpreter to come in during training to ensure our staff members fully understand the level of service we expect, and so they can ask any questions they may have," she says. You must also be sensitive to the fact that some groups may work and communicate diff erently from others, and be prepared to resolve any problems that arise from cross-cultural misunderstandings. "We want to make sure we have open communication and that they're happy. If any issues arise, we address them as soon as we can," adds Sampson.

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