
SEP 2017

DAYSPA is the business resource for spa & wellness professionals! Each issue covers the latest in skin care, spa treatments, wellness services and management strategies.

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A d d i t i o n a l R e s o u r c e s H u n g r y f o r m o r e e d u c a t i o n ? T h e s e o r g a n i z a t i o n s c a n h e l p o u g e t s t a r t e d : A s s o c i a t e d S k i n C a r e P r o f e s s i o n a l s , a s c p s k i n c a r e . c o m e l l u s A c a d e m y , b e l l u s a c a d e m y . e d u I n t e r n a t i o n a l S p a A s s o c i a t i o n , e x p e r i e n c e i s p a . c o m M i l a d y P r o , c e n g a g e . c o m / m i l a d y p r o P r o f e s s i o n a l B e a u t y A s s o c i a t i o n , p r o b e a u t y . o r g S p a I n d u s t r y A s s o c i a t i o n , d a y s p a a s s o c i a t i o n . c o m [ 64 ] • # dayspamagazine • september 2017 same time, we split the team and have each group prepare a presentation for the entire staff back at the spa." Nooney favors these events for introductions to theory and technique, as well as business management. Although longer, in-depth classes may require a fee to register, they often off er more information and allow more time for questions, she points out. Business Builders Just as therapists need to constantly sharpen their skills, spa owners and managers must be aware of the latest business-building techniques to ensure success. Dori Soukup, founder of InSPAration Management in Daytona Beach, Florida, emphasizes that business training is key to elevating spas' performance. In fact, a host of options to promote business savvy—including podcasts, webinars, tele-seminars, in- person seminars, training manuals and modules—are benefi cial for every spa employee, including receptionists and therapists. "Topics can cover retail sales, marketing, leadership skills and more," says Soukup. "We teach systems meant to ensure accuracy, consistency and growth, and we're always coming up with new training material designed to improve spas' bottom lines." Soukup's CoachMe Program, for example, assists owners with lessons on topics from social media and business management to successful marketing strategies. To boost her management skills, Nooney seeks out spa consultants and combs trade publications for potential education partners. "Don't neglect looking outside the aesthetics industry," she advises. "Join a networking group in your area to meet other business leaders. Attorneys, accountants and HR professionals can answer your questions as they arise." u back to school Additi nal Res u rces Hu ngry f r m re edu cati n? Thes rga nizati ns ca n help y u get sta rted: ➻ Ass ciated Skin Ca re Pr fessi nals, ascpskinca re.c m ➻ B Bellus Acade my, bellusa cade ➻ nternati nal Spa Ass ciati n, experienceispa.c m ➻ Milady Pr , cengage.c m/miladypr ➻ Pr fessi nal Bea uty As ciati n, pr bea uty. rg ➻ Sp ndustry Ass ciati n, dayspa ass ciati n.c m Private label, Made in USA, mineral makeup, on-trend products and colors, packaging choices, low minimums, free imprinting, customizable, full line of brushes and accessories 1.800.338.1423 | | Creating your own brand has never been easier

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